Most Common Mistakes That Lead To Corrupted Zips On Mac

Published On: June 26, 2024Last Updated: June 26, 2024
how to fix corrupted zip files

For Mac users (and users of almost all devices and operating systems), ZIP files are the cornerstone of file sharing and digital organization. They can compress multiple folders and files into a single, convenient package that makes this format highly preferred by businesses and individuals alike. While ZIPs may seem indestructible like Mac computers, they’re both susceptible to issues (sadly!). A corrupted ZIP file is a ZIP archive that contains errors resulting from integrity issues or interruptions during the compression or extraction process.

Once ZIPs are corrupted or damaged, it leads to the challenge of figuring out how to open corrupted ZIP file on Mac. And let us tell you, extracting data from a corrupted ZIP file is not an easy task. Also, it is not always possible. You can try your luck using tools like BetterZip that are equipped with features to help you recover data from corrupted ZIP files but it doesn’t guarantee 100% success.

Do you know what is an even better solution? It is to learn the mistakes that lead to corrupted ZIPs on a Mac computer (or any device) and try to avoid them. Continue scrolling to know the mistakes you should avoid at all costs.

Top 5 Common Causes of Corrupted ZIP File Mac and How to Fix Them

5 Common Causes of Corrupted ZIP File Mac

1. Download Interruptions

This mistake is not always in your control. If the Wi-Fi gods decide to wreak havoc while you’re dealing with ZIP files, there’s nothing much you can do. However, it is always good to know that this is one of the reasons and mistakes that corrupt ZIP files.

Except for the Wi-Fi issue, power outages and software crashes are other reasons why you may have ended up with an incomplete download of the ZIP file. Hence, the file is broken, and no matter how hard you try, you will fail to open it. So, ensure that the file size always matches the original source after download. If it doesn’t match, download the file again.

2. Permission Issues

When extracting a ZIP file, you must have the necessary permissions to access and modify the destination folder. If the appropriate permissions are missing, the extraction process will fail, and the ZIP file will be corrupted. So, if you are sharing the ZIP file with someone, ensure you have given them the appropriate permissions to access the file.

Underlying disk permission issues on your Mac computer may also lead to corrupted ZIPs. These problems might prevent the OS from properly accessing and modifying the file during extraction. If this happens, you can use Mac’s in-built Disk Utility tool to repair disk permissions.

3. Software and Hardware Errors

Logical errors or physical damage on your HDD or SSD can corrupt files during the compression or decompression process. Hence, do not make the mistake of not creating a backup of your data. Also, frequently run disk repair utilities to maintain the health of your storage drive.

Software bugs within applications used to create or extract the ZIP file may introduce corruption and errors. Don’t forget to regularly update your software to the latest version to benefit from improved stability and bug fixes.

4. Unexpected Shutdowns and User Errors

During the compression or decompression process, your ZIP file is in an unstable state. You must ensure your Mac has a stable power supply so it does not unexpectedly shut down while the process is ongoing.

If you forcefully quit the extraction process or interrupt it accidentally, it can result in corrupting the ZIP file. You must do everything in your power to ensure the extraction process is completed without any interruption.

5. Compatibility Problems

ZIP is a widely recognized format but it isn’t the only format. There are other compression formats like 7z and RAR. If you extract a ZIP file using software that does not support this compression format, it may lead to corruption. Don’t make the mistake of using the wrong software.

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How To Prevent Corrupted Zip Files?

  • Always download ZIP files from trusted sources, as they are less likely to host corrupted files.
  • Maintain the health of your storage drive with disk repair utilities and regular backups.
  • Keep your compression/decompression software and operating system updated to benefit from improved compatibility, stability, and bug fixes.
  • Practice safe ejection practices of external devices to avoid data corruption.

Repairing Corrupted Zip Files (When Possible)

Repairing Corrupted ZIP File

Prevention is key to ensuring you are not dealing with the hassle of corrupted ZIP files. However, there might be unavoidable situations where these files become corrupted, and the only way to salvage them is by repairing them. Some tips to repair corrupted ZIP files are:

  • Try using a different compression software that can successfully extract a corrupted ZIP. Some options are Archive Utility, Unarchiver, and WinZip.
  • Data recovery software like Disk Drill can be used to recover corrupted ZIP files.
  • Contact the source to see if you can get an uncorrupted version that works properly.

Bottom Line

Knowing and understanding the common mistakes leading to corrupted ZIP file Mac is the first step to safeguarding your data. So, keep these in mind, and your file management will be streamlined.

About the Author: Muhammad Moazzan

I am Moazzan, a lifestyle blogger. I have a great passion for traveling and I love to explore different things while roaming around. I also am a food enthusiast and always make sure to taste the local cuisine wherever I go.

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